Twinings Christmas Tea reviews

Christmas Tea (Twinings USA)

212° for 3 min
Create a merry moment with Twinings Christmas Tea. Expertly blended with the savoury flavours of cinnamon and clove, this fine black tea is sure to bring you holiday cheer with its warm, spicy taste and soothing aroma.

A smooth black tea with a hint of orange. Nice but not worth a special effort.

Merry Christmas Winter Spiced Loose Tea (Twinings)

212° for 2 min
The Twinings Christmas blend this year is Winter Spice.
It is a black Assam tea from North-East India, expertly blended with warming spice flavours, safflowers and orange peel for a delicious festive treat.

This is a very strong tea and easy to overbrew! I had to try four times before I got it right… but it was worth the effort. It tastes almost like Constant Comment and the only reason it does not get five stars is that Constant Comment is so much easier to get.

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5 Responses to Twinings Christmas Tea reviews

  1. Rory says:

    The second sounds like a great festive tea and perfect for wintry weather! I love a good Assam.

    • wren08 says:

      It is quite delicious… but it’s seasonal and, as I live in the states, hard to get- I have to order it from overseas. If you’re somewhere you can find it, they’re clearing it out right now- I’d get a couple of boxes to last until next Christmas!

      • Rory says:

        I was wondering what your tea supply is like in America actually. Are loose leaf tea stores found regularly? What about big UK brands such as PG Tips and Tetley? Are they readily available in stores or do you have different options?

        That’s a good idea, I’ll start looking!

    • wren08 says:

      It doesn’t seem to want me to reply to you latest comment… but in answer to your query, there is one large tea store in the city close to me- Teavana. They… could be better. PG tips and Tetley are available at my grocery as are some Twinings and some Bigelow- not a vast selection of either but the most common ones are there. We also have a World Market store where I can get Yorkshire Gold and some others and a fancy grocery that carries Haney and Sons and a few others. So I can get a lot of options as long as I am ok with bagged teas. However, there is Amazon and the internet so I can get anything I really want.

  2. pinkiebag says:

    Hi. I didn’t try this tea last year as I had a locally made festive tea instead. I think it may be to strong for me as I like my tea medium weak milk free. Thank your for sharing your thoughts, Chloe.

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